This list should help with finding some interesting mods that you might miss otherwise.

It's also for new players, who are most likely overwhelmed by the large number of mods that the modding communities have produced over the last 8 years. This list is intended mostly for people returning to Morrowind, who want to know what has been going on in the MW modding community since they last played. I'm sure there are tons of cool little mods that I've missed or forgotten about, but I don't intend to make this an endless list. This list isn't a complete list of all good mods, it's just a list of mods that I've enjoyed. Some people might like other mods that I didn't mention. Obviously this is a very subjective list. I've been keeping up with the latest mod releases, adding more to my mod collection over time, resulting in an already fantastic game that kept getting better and better. Over the years I've played with a lot of mods and while many came and went, there was always a group of mods that I liked which I kept for future playthroughs.