You are all welcome to download this game and share your thoughts. (So you can also call it BTS2TOT)It's been a year since I started to mod this thing.And now, here it is. What I did was to import most of Civ4BTS' concepts to Civ2TOT. And out of curiosity, without any idea how to mod this awesome game, I decided to learn the basics and later on got deeper into modding. I created this mod purely because I loved Civ2TOT before my computer had the right specs to play Civ4BTS. It has good sounds, good gameplay, and excellent lifespan, but is let down by under-average grahics.I was expecting a decent game with good, up-to-date graphics but instead I got a half-arsed attempt at graphics from Stainless Steel.An average game but still worthy of a look in.Įmpire Earth Mod is made only for Civilization II Test of Time. Empire Earth - posted in PC Gaming: This is a great game.